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Shoulderstand & Headstand Series (4 weeks)

This is a special series for learning Headstand and Shoulderstand effectively and safely, so as to enjoy the benefits from the practice of inversions.  A step-by-step guiding approach will be adopted. 
Suitable for students with regular yoga practice, or those planning to progress to yoga I level.

Yogasala hk Shoulderstand & Headstand
Yogasala hk Courses

Yoga for Personal / Individual Needs (8 weeks)

This course is tailored for students suffering from chronic pains or injuries, or require special attention owing to certain bodily conditions such as pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome etc. Individualized sequences with specific props setups will be designed to help practicing safely. Each session is 90 mins.  This course is run 2-3 times a year. Please contact our teaching staff for details.

Children’s Yoga (4 weeks)

This class helps to strengthen children’s body and coordination. It boosts their awareness and improves conditions resulting from poor postures such as hunched back and flat feet.  Through storytelling and interactive games to stimulate their imagination and curiosity, plus establish self-discipline. The yoga practice enables them to acquire skills in managing their emotions, which prepares them to accommodate the physical and emotional changes along their adolescence.

Yogasala hk Yoga for Pesonal Individual needs
Yogasala hk Children's Yoga

Home Yoga Practice Progressive Course (6 months)

It’s often found challenging for students to maintain a home practice momentum. For 6 consecutive months with 2 hours each session, students will learn to establish a self-practice routine and apply yoga props to suit their needs. They will be guided to develop their confidence from self-practice. Two themed sequences will be given every month to experience the benefits from a balanced practice. Students are required to submit a practice or reading report monthly for the teacher to oversee their progress.

Yogasala hk Home Yoga Practice


An advisory space for students to construct their own practice routine and strengthen their skills from revisiting the techniques and sequences that they learn from their classes.  The fee is $80 per visit.

Courses for Beginners

Introductory Iyengar Yoga Course (6 weeks)

This 6-session introductory course is apt for those without yoga experience or with other forms of yoga experience and want to explore Iyengar Yoga.  This course is structured in a small group setting with students at similar levels.  It paves way to “Yoga Basics” or “Restorative for Beginners” upon completion, or to repeat the course to reinforce the fundamentals.   *Maximum 6 students per course.

Yogasala hk Courses for Beginners
Yogasala hk Self Practice
Yogasala hk Intro Iyenga Yoga Course

Yoga for Healthy Back

Students can experience how yoga poses tune-up the back muscles by strengthening and extending the spinal muscles, which soothe and avoid sedentary pain.  Props are used during asana practice to facilitate better understanding about their body, and enables beginners to practice with clarity.

Yogasala hk Yoga for Healthy Back

Wall Rope for Beginners

Practicing with wall ropes enhances the mobility of the body through nice stretches with the help of  gravity.  It enhances the sense of direction, and facilitates a better grasp of the balance between “effort and effortless” in each asana.

Yogasala hk Wall Rope for Beginners

Free Your Hips

Pelvic girdles are the largest and most active part of the joints in the body.  This 6-weeks course teaches how asanas develop the firmness of legs and hips.  It guides students how to sit and stand properly that recreates the freedom around the joints and improves the lower body circulation.

Yogasala hk Free Your Hips

Introduction to Pranayama ( 4 weeks )

Use supported postures as a tool to guide the ‘Prana’ - the yogic breath, to different body part.   It releases the inner layer of the body, e.g. diaphragm and intercostal muscles, to help enhance the awareness of our own breath.  Diverse yogic breathing techniques will be introduced too.  Minimum 1 year of Iyengar Yoga.

Yogasala hk Intro to Pranayama

The Iyengar Yogaśālā Hong Kong  

Flat A, 6/F, Lok's Industrial Building, 204 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit C)

+852 9071-0230

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