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Yoga Basics

- 60 mins -

A class for beginners. Focuses on the basic yoga postures, i.e. standing and sitting poses, followed by twists and relaxation. Helps students gain flexibility, improve postures, develop a sense of balance and reduce stress from hectic life.

Yogasalahk Yoga Basics 瑜伽基礎班
Yogasalahk Yoga Basic Plus 瑜伽基礎進階班

Yoga Basic Plus

- 60 mins -

Yoga Basic Plus is tailored to students who have been practising yoga for more than 6 months, and want to further their practice and prepare themselves to join us in Yoga 1. 

In this class, students are led to stay longer in the asanas to build stamina, and also be stepped up with the fundamentals for preparing the inversions and backbends, which will be taught in further detail in Yoga 1.

Morning Yoga

- 60 mins -

A class suitable for all levels of students. Start your day with this swift-paced practice centred around sun salutations.  Your body feels more agile and coordinated; blood circulation enhanced.  Feel refreshed and energized throughout your day.

Yogasalahk Morning Yoga 晨光瑜伽
Yogasalahk Restorative Yoga 復元瑜伽

Restorative Yoga

- 90 mins -

This class works for everyone.  It starts with stretching to release muscle tension.  Different yoga props will be used to support the body skillfully to attain a deeper state of relaxation and helps activating the self-healing process of our body.

Yoga I

- 90 mins -

For beginners with a minimum of 6 months practice.  Suitable for students wishing to uplift from Yoga Basics to the next level, or those returning to practice after a long break.  The class helps build up strength and stamina.  It will also develop confidence through venturing into inversions and basic backbends.

Yogasalahk Yoga 1 瑜伽 I
Yogasalahk Yoga for Healthy Back 健脊瑜伽

Yoga for Healthy Back

- 60 mins / 90 mins-

For beginners with a minimum of 6 months' practice.  It delivers a proper understanding of back and spinal muscles engagement.  The class aims to strengthen basic posture while preparing for basic inversions and backbends. It pays attention to the back muscle groups, and addressing body imbalances to prevent from developing chronic pains.

Restorative & Pranayama

- 90 mins -

For beginners with a minimum of 6 months' practice.  It delivers a proper understanding of back and spinal muscles engagement.  The class aims to strengthen basic posture while preparing for basic inversions and backbends. It pays attention to the back muscle groups, and addressing body imbalances to prevent from developing chronic pains.

Yogasalahk Restorative & Pranayama 復元瑜伽和呼吸法
Yogasalahk Yoga 2 瑜伽 2

Yoga II

- 90 mins / 120 mins -

For students with more than 1 year’s experience in Iyengar Yoga.  Variations in inversions will be introduced.  The class deepens the understanding of the actions in standing asanas and prepares students to elevate to more advanced asanas with ease. Have a taste of “meditation in action”!

Yoga III

- 120 mins -

For students with at least 2 years’ regular practice of Iyengar Yoga. This class requires a strong and mature understanding of yoga practice. It is best if students have an established practice of Sirsasana, Sarvangasana with variations and Urdhva Dhanurasana. Students are advised to consult our teaching staff before joining.

Yogasalahk Yoga 3 瑜伽 3
Yogasalah Classes

The Iyengar Yogaśālā Hong Kong  

Flat A, 6/F, Lok's Industrial Building, 204 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit C)

+852 9071-0230

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